Existential Proof for Dr. Toshiaki NISHIGAKI in the World
(Updated on July 26, 2018)

Toshiaki NISHIGAKI, Ph. D.
Name; Toshiaki Nishigaki, Pharamcist, Ph.D.
Nationality; Japanese, Male
Date of Birth; June 1st, 1948
Age; 70
Marital Status; Married, two children
Home Address; 1286-18, Azusagawa Yamato, Matsumoto, Nagano, 390-1701 JAPAN
Permanent Address: 421 Osaki, Sekinomiya, Yabu, Hyogo, JAPAN
Home TEL; +81-263-78-4632
Office TEL; +81-263-26-7588
Mobile Phone; +81-90-2723-8626
March 1972: B.S. Faculty of Pharmacy, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
Registered Pharmacist in 1975
1975~1988: Research Student, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Shinshu University , Nagano, Japan
1989: Degree of Ph.D, (Medicine), Shinshu University
2000~Present: Special Researcher, Faculty of Medicine, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan
April 1972: Kissei Pharmaceutical Industry, Co., Ltd.
Toxicological researchers for 7 new registered ethical drugs
1989~1993: Food and Drug Safety Research Foundation, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Hatano, Kanagawa, Japan
1989-1993: Expert of Japan International Cooperation Agent (JICA) at the Bureau of Food and Drug (BFAD), Department of Health, Philippines
1993~1998: INA Research Center, Ina, Nagano, Japan
1994~1996 INA Research Philippines (INARP), Philippines .
President, Establishment of Prime Research Center
1998~2002: JICA Research Member for Official Development Aids (ODA)of Japan,
to Indonesia, Guatemala, China, Mauritania
2000: Incorporated M&K Laboratories, Inc., Japan
2001-Present: Chairman of Tokyo Noni Research Center
2008~Present: Consultant of M&K Laboratories, Inc.
Study Field:
Toxicology, Pathology, Radio-Autography,
Allergy, Electron-Microscopy, Nutrition, Biochemistry
Study/Business Career
Indonesian Indigenous Herbal Plants
1. Mengkudu (Noni) – Juice, Puree, Powder, Leaf, Root, Concentration
2. Buah Merah
3. Coconut oil (EVCO)
4. Jahe Merah
5. Jahe emprit
6. Temlawak (C. xanthorrhiza)
7. Kaempeferia rotunda
8. Soarsop
9. Ashitaba
10. Javanese long pepper
11. Sirih
On-Going Study in R/D
12. Bawang merah
13. Mungbean
14. Essential oils
15. Cincau hitam
16. Serang semut
17. Cassava
18. Cecang
19. Kumis kucing
20. Mimba (Neem)
The Others:
2007: MOU with CABI in R/D of Indonesian medicinal plants
MTA with CABI for Buah Merah



at CABI, Bogor
2009: Organic certification in Noni juice, powder, dried leaves with PTMI
2014: Patent acquisition in Buah Merah Oil Production with CABI, Ministry of Indistry
Developed Products;
Noni juice (EP and PP), Freeze-dried hard/soft capsules
Noni tea, Noni tea bag, Noni soap, Noni capsule for dogs
EVCO, EVCO sticks, Noni fruit mixed powder, Jahe Merah powder,
Buah Merah500, Buah Merah300VE, Buah Merah500VE
2017: Award of Indonesia Innovation Day 2017 (IID 2017) for Buah Merah 500VE
2018: Award of Indonesia Innovation Day 2018 (IID 2018) for Organic Noni Juice

Memories and Help of Papua Province Government

IID 2017 Award in the Netherland
Collaborating Institute:
1. Nagasaki University
2. Nagasaki International University
3. Shinshu University
4. Toyama University
5. Mukogawa Women’s University
6. Sanyo-Onoda City University
7. Tokyo Noni Research Center
8. Center for Agro-Based Industry (CABI)
9. Binus University
10. University of Papua
Related Web Site:
- Maya Kudo, Hisae Yoshitomi, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Ming Gao. The Effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Juice on the Prevention of Stroke by Promoting Production of Nitric Oxide through the Brain of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone (SHRSP) Rats. J Nutritional Therapeutics. 2018;7: 000-000
- Dyah Anita Kustiarini, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Hiroyuki Kanno, Hide To. Effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on Rheumatoid Arthritis in SKG mice. 2018; Under publication
- Mayuko Hatai, Hisae Yoshitomi, Toshiaki Nishigaki, and Ming Gao. Inhibitory effect of Buah Merah oil on melanogenesis via degradation of tyrosinase..J Agro-Based Industry. 2018; Under publication.
- Mitsuhiro Wada, Kaori Fujimoto, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Erna Febriyante, Rie Ikeda and Kenichiro Nakashima. DETERMINAT10N OF α- ANDβ-CRYPTOXANTHINS, AND α- ANDβ-CAROTENS IN BUAH MERAH OIL BY HPLC-UV DETECTION. J Agro-Based Industry. 2013; 30(1):1-8
- Takanori Maeda, Haruka Miyakita, Manami Goto, Akemi lto, Hendra Wijaya, Inggrid S. Surono, Toshiaki Nishigaki. MUTAGENICITY STUDY OF PANDANUS CONOIDEUS OIL. J Agro-Based Industry. 2013;30(2):21-30
- Mathelda K. Rorweng, Toshiaki Nishigaki. BUAH MERAH AND PAPUAN PEOPLE. J Agro-Based Industry. 2013;30(1):37-48
- Toshiaki NISIIIGAK1, Kunitaka HIROSE, Ingrid S. Surono and Hidekazu SIIIGE IATSU. ANTITUM0R EFFECTS OF PANDANUS CONOIDEUS IN INVITRO AND IN VIVO STUDIES. J Agro-Based Industry. 2011;28(2):1-7
- Mitsuhiro Wada, Megumi Kira, Hirotsugu Kido, Rie Ikeda,
Naotaka Kuroda,Toshiaki Nishigaki, Kenichiro Nakashima. Semi‐micro flow injection analysis method for evaluation of quenching effect of health foods or food additive antioxidants on peroxynitrite. Luminescence. 2011; 26 (3), 191-195. - Rie Ikeda, Mitsuhiro Wada, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Kenichiro Nakashima. Quantification of cumarin derivatives in noni (Morinda citrifolia) and their
contribution of quenching effect on reactive oxygen species. Food Chemistry.2009;113:1169-1172 - Tetsuo Ohashi, Akihiko Watanabe, Toshiaki Nishigaki and Hiroshi Azuma. Electron Microscopic Studies on the Inhibition of Degranulation of Rat Mast Cells by a Novel Anti-Allergic Agent, PTPC. Jpn J Pharmacol. 1994; 66:7-16.
- Nishigaki T1, Momose Y, Nagata T. Electron microscopic radioautographic study of the localization of an anti-allergic agent, Tranilast, in rat mast cells. Cell Mol Biol. 1990;36(1):65-71.
- Nishigaki T1, Momose Y, Nagata T. Localization of the anti-allergic agent tranilast in the urinary bladder of rats as demonstrated by light microscopic radioautography. 1990;40(3):272-5.
- , Horie S, Yamada J, Isaji M, Nishigaki T, Naito J, Suga T. Species differences in the effects of bezafibrate, a hypolipidemic agent, on hepatic peroxisome-associated enzymes. Biochem Pharmacol. 1989;38(2):367-71.
- Nishigaki T1. Mast cell degranulation and its inhibition by an anti-allergic agent tranilast. An electron microscopic study. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol. 1988;55(5):311-22.
- Momose Y, Nishigaki T, et al. Species difference of peroxisome proliferation in hepatocytes by the hypolipidemic agent, bezafibrate. Quantitative microscopy comparison. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13):4379-4388 (Article in Japanese)
- Nishigaki T1. Mast cell degranulation and its inhibition by an anti-allergic agent tranilast. An electron microscopic study. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol. 1988;55(5):311-22.
- Isaji M, Nishigaki T, et al. Toxicity Study of Bezafibrate (1). Clinical Report. 1988;22(13):4293-4300 (Article in Japanese)
- Momose Y, Nishigaki et al. Toxicity Study of Bezafibrate (2). Clinical Report. 1988; 22(13):4301-4336 (Article in Japanese)
- Harold Chesterman, Chirukandath Gopinath, David H. Peters, David J. Lewis, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Yasunori Momose, Jun Naito. Toxicity Study of Bezafibrate (3). 1988; 22(13): 4337-4356
- Shibata N, Yaguchi T, Akiyama K, Nishigaki T, Momose Y, Naito J. Toxicity Study of Bezafibrate (4). Clinical Report. 1988;22(13): 4357-4365 (Article in Japanese)
- Watanabe T, Horie S, Yamada J, Suga T, Isaji M, Nishigaki T, Naito J. Species Differences of Bezafibrate in Liver Peroxisome. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13): 4367-4377 (Article in Japanese)
- Momose Y, Nishigaki T, et al. Species Difference of Hypolipidemic Drug, Bezafibrate in Liver Peroxisome. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13):4379-4388 (Article in Japanese)
- Isaji M, Miyasaka H, Isaka T, Nishigaki T, Momose Y, Naito J. Antigenicity Study of Bezafibrate in Guinea Pigs and Mice. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13): 4389-4400 (Article in Japanese)
- Ooba M, Ozawa S, Nishigaki T, Naito J. Reproductive Study of Bezafibrate (1). Clinical Report. 1988; 22(13): 4401-4413 (Article in Japanese)
- Naito J, Misawa T, Shibata N, Nishigaki T, Ozawa S, Ooba M. Reproductive Study of Bezafibrate (2). Clinical Report. 1988; 22(13): 4415-4432 (Article in Japanese)
- Ooba M, Makita T, Misawa T, Ozawa S, Nishigaki T, Naito J. Reproductive Study of Bezafibrate (3). Clinical Report. 1988; 22(13): 4432-4452 (Article in Japanese)
- Ooba M, Ozawa S, Nishigaki T, Naito J. Reproduction studies of bezafibrate. (1st report). Fertility study in rats. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13):4401-4413 (Article in Japanese)
- Nishigaki T. Studies on the degranulation of mast cells (II): Radioautographic study of the localization of an anti-allergic agent, Tranilast, in mast cells. Jpn J Inflammation. 1988; 8(4): 341-345 (Article in Japanese)
- Momose Y, Nishigaki T, et al. Species difference of peroxisome proliferation in hepatocytes by the hypolipidemic agent, bezafibrate. Quantitative microscopy comparison. Clinical Report. 1988;22(13):4379-4388 (Article in Japanese)
- Nishigaki T, Shigematsu H, Tanaka M, Ishii Z, Kurata T. Unusual cystitis induced by anti-allergic drug, Tranilast. Surg pathol 1, 1988: 285-296Nishigaki
- T, Shigematu H, Miyazaki K. Cystitis induced by anti-allergic drug,Tranilast: Histochemical study of mast cells. Medical J Shinshu University. 1988;36: 641-652 (Article in Japanese)
- Nishigaki T1, Momose Y, Nagata T. Light microscopic radioautographic study of the localization of an anti-allergic agent, Tranilast, in rat mast cells. Histochem J. 1987;19(10-11):533-6.
- Nishigaki T, et al. Study on safety of OKY-046 Na. 1. Acute toxicity test in mice, rats and dogs. Clinical Report. 1986;20(5):2671-2679 (Article in Japanese)
- Nagai H, Yamada H, Nishigaki T, Nakazawa M, Koda A. The susceptibility of experimental glomerulonephritis in six different strains of mice. J Pharmacobiodyn. 1985;8(7):586-9.
- Nishigaki T, et al. Studies on safety of ritodrine hydrochloride. 8. Comparative studies on cardiotoxicity in rats by oral administration. Clinical Report. 1985;19(3):1334-1350 (Article in Japanese)
- Momose Y, Nishigaki T, et al. Local toxicity test of ritodrine hydrochloride. Clinical Report. 1985;19(2):956-966 (Article in Japanese)
- Kojima S, Tsutumi N, Momose Y, Nishigaki T, Ujiie A. Experimental Allergic Rhinitis in Rat and Effect of Tranilast. Medical J Shinshu University. 1983;31(2):123-127 (Article in Japanese)
- Toshiaki Nishigaki, Hidekazu Shigematsu. Electron microscopical studies on degranulation of mast cells in type I allergic reaction. Jpn J Inflammation. 1982; 2 (4):339-340. (Article in Japanese)
- Akagawa N, Kawahara N, Ito N, Nishigaki T, Kawai H. Schöenlein-Henoch syndrome associated with kidney disease. Nihon Rinsho. 1981; 39(7): 2683-5. (Article in Japanese)
- Minamide M, Nishigaki T et al. Chronic Toxicity Study of N-(3,4-dimethoxycinnamoyl) anthranilic acid(N-5′) in Beagle dogs. Clinical Report.1980;14(7):1788-1874 (Article in Japanese)
- Nishigaki T, et al. Effect of N-(3′,4′-dimethoxycinnamoyl) anthranilic acid (N-5′)in rat renal function, J Toxicological Science. 1977; 2(2):199-212 (Article in Japanese)
- Eida K, Kubota N, Nishigaki T, Kikutani M.Harderian gland. V. Effect of dietary pantothenic acid deficiency on porphyrin biosynthesis in Harderian gland of rats. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 1975;23(1):1-4.
1 Noni Scientific Booklet; Vol 1~4, Nishigaki T. Tokyo Noni Research Center (in Japanese, Korean)
2 Noni Manga; Nishigaki T, Tokyo Noni Research Center. (in Japanese)
3 Noni Mock Book. Edited by Nishigaki T., Forest publication (in Japanese)
4 Buah Merah: Nishigaki T and Nakashima K., Ikuhousha (in Japanese)
5 Buah Merah: Nishigaki T and I. S. Waspodo, CV. Cindy Printing (in Bahasa Indonesia)